
[Hooks][Comments] - Topic provider

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Kaik commented

Dizkus provides comments functionality using Zikula hooks.
Comments nature is slightly different than topic nature.

  • Additional hooks settings for each relation like forum to place comments - this is done and it is working (the module header is from Dizkus while it should be related module header) anyway I'm thinking about adding same settings for all hooked modules in Dzikus admin/settings and unifying this functionality view - this will be needed and will be done for import functionality as well because hooks went thru lots of changes and it might be tricky to import them properly.
  • uiView - Diplay comments (related topic) section, pager, templates, permissions. In progress
  • uiEdit - Display particular topic settings - here we have lots of unclear permission and workflow type problems like disable enable comments, create not create topic, lock unlock etc... for particular object (who decide that? object editor? admin?) as well as comments section moderation (this is not done for Dizkus itself yet). In progress.
  • uiDelete - What to do with topic settings and probably message etc..
  • - topic.delete.html.twig
  • validateiEdit -
  • validateDelete -
  • processEdit - here we create new topic, notify subscribers etc..
  • processDelete -
  • Comments specific functionality...

Because this functionality is potentially big I will do this in stages. First one is a minimum that works, it will be mostly javascript in the future, and the first version will not have js so apart from displaying imported stuff properly it will do nothing more now. Then import I really want to finish that import and this is basically last part before I will start working on full javascript version.