
Consider rename?

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Wondering if this bundle needs a more "marketable" name?

  1. DynaFormBundle
  2. DynamoBundle โœ… ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  3. DynamicFormBundle โœ…
  4. DynaPropBundle
  5. FormMakerBundle โŒ
  6. FormDynamoBundle โœ… ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  7. DynamicFormFieldBundle โœ…
  8. FormBuilderBundle โœ… โœ…

a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy; a generator.

I feel like devs may be thinking this is related to DynamoDB (AWS service) - Perhaps something more generic like "Advanced" or just "Dynamic" Form Types is the way to go. I think this is a good time to reach out to Ryan Weaver, want me to start an email thread?

Maybe FormDynamoBundle is more clear then.

I had done some initial searching on "Dynamo" and noticed DynamoDB but didn't think that would be an issue.

Dynamo sounds cool, but I personally didn't know what that word meant. The clearest to me are DynamicFormFieldBundle (very similar to the current name, but I "think" that "field" better conveys what it does than property), or maybe FormBuilderBundle (there is a similar bundle, but not sure that the audiences would overlap https://github.com/Novactive/NovaFormBuilderBundle) `

I had previously seen NovaFormBuilderBundle as well, but (like most similar projects) it is tied quite tightly to a CMS of some kind. Indeed, this project grew from the Zikula CMS. but I have intentionally eliminated any dependencies.

Guite commented

My vote still goes to DynamicFormBundle as it is both precise and clear.
FormBuilderBundle is also very nice because it is even more expressive.

Changed to DynamicFormBundle