
Trying to load a saved project crashed the app

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I was logged in already and had saved a project yesterday. I tried loading it and the whole browser window went white. Closing the tab and reopening or refreshing the page does nothing to fix the issue.

Not sure if any of this is useful, as I already refreshed the page before checking console.


The account is mikko.oittinen@gmail.com and the project is the only one saved there.

I had an account registered to thehaywire@gmail.com but per the other reported bug, I couldn't reset the password and access it :D

there was 2 individual bug here. one was the missing keys in the persisted store, that got solved by introducing a migration scripts, that runs before every rehydration, and adds the missing keys, if needed.

the other was caused by saving a wrongly formatted prompter into the database. this got fixed on the backend. ready to be tested.