
"stream_records" does not exist on production

valexl opened this issue · 6 comments

valexl commented

I've faced with a very weird issue. Time to time the app can't handle the requests and raises this error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "stream_records" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT 1 AS one FROM "stream_records" WHERE "stream_records".

It looks like something random. One request is handled without any problem. The next one can raise this error. Then next attempt works well again. My main assumption right now is the order in schema_search_path. But I can see in your examples that you force the order here - zilverline/sequent-examples@a5dcab9. Not sure how to fix that.

here is database.yml

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: <%= ENV["DB_POOL"] || ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
  url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>
  advisory_locks: <%= ENV.fetch("MIGRATION_ADVISORY_LOCKS", true) %>
  prepared_statements: <%= ENV.fetch("ENABLE_PREPARED_STATEMENTS", true) %>
  schema_search_path: "<%= ENV['SEQUENT_MIGRATION_SCHEMAS'] || 'public, sequent_schema, view_schema' %>"

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

I am using rails rails (, sequent (6.0.0) and ruby 3.2.2.

valexl commented

FYI right now I went in this way:

  1. Add schemas for table names config/initializers/sequent.rb this:
  Sequent::Core::EventRecord.table_name = "sequent_schema.event_records"
  Sequent::Core::CommandRecord.table_name = "sequent_schema.command_records"
  Sequent::Core::StreamRecord.table_name  = "sequent_schema.stream_records"
  1. I had to use base class for read models:
class BaseRecord < Sequent::ApplicationRecord
  self.abstract_class = true

  def self.table_name
  1. Adding schema in table_names requires changing the file names for sequent migrations:
lvonk commented

That sounds weird indeed, the only time I experienced that issue is when the schema paths are messed up during running migrations (typically in development when you reset and create the database). This however was 'fixed' by providing the correct steps as described here: https://www.sequent.io/docs/rails-sequent.html

Can you double check that you are using the correct rails tasks? You can't use rails db:migrate directly anymore for instance and need to wrap it so the search path is set correctly.

Also, make sure you use the master branch. We haven't got into releasing yet.

valexl commented

Yes I use master branch:
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 13 10 35

Regarding rails migrations - rails schema is empty as there is no rails models so far.

The solution I described here - works. And once I start adding rails models - I have to do the same trick with adding public schema in table name.

lvonk commented

I still find this very strange, but can't reproduce this or have seen this occur when serving requests. If you have a reproducable example (project setup) I would be happy to take a look at it.

valexl commented

Unfortunately I can't reproduce that on my side. This is a fully random issue, that probably relates to rails setup. I'll let you know if I can reproduce that.

lvonk commented

Ok, closing this issue for now. If you can reproduce let me know.