
Not showing complete git-info information

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • I've checked the existing issues and I'm not duplicating a report.
  • I'm using the latest version of zimfw.
  • I've checked the Changelog and I'm not being affected by documented changes.
  • I've checked the 📢 Announcements and I'm not being affected by announced changes.
  • I was able to reproduce the issue with a clean installation of Zim.
  • I've pasted the output of zimfw info below.

Describe the bug
Ahead and behind indicators do not show in asciiship theme.

Steps to reproduce
The fist 4 steps restart the shell with a clean installation of Zim in a temporary directory.
Use exec zsh when restarting the terminal or restarting the shell is needed.

  1. cd ${$(mktemp -d):A}
  2. ZDOTDIR=${PWD} HOME=${PWD} ZIM_HOME=${PWD}/.zim exec zsh
  3. curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
  4. exec zsh
  5. Other steps to reproduce the behavior

Current behavior
The git-info plugins is only showing symbols for changes made (dirty), but does not show anything wrt to the remote (ahead or behind)

Expected behavior
It should show the symbols as expected from the pages example.

zimfw info

zimfw version:        1.11.3 (built at 2023-02-26 00:43:41 UTC, previous commit is 6a24459)
OSTYPE:               darwin22.0
TERM:                 xterm-256color
TERM_PROGRAM:         tmux
ZIM_HOME:             /Users/aanzolaavila/.cache/zim
ZSH_VERSION:          5.9

Additional context
I've setup the zstyle ':zim:git-info' verbose yes option, but nothing changes, I've also set up every individual option with a format value, but does not take effect on the ahead or behind indicators.

If it helps, this is where I set the configuration in my files: https://github.com/aanzolaavila/.zsh/blob/main/zim.zsh#L4
And this is my zimfw config file: https://github.com/aanzolaavila/dotfiles/blob/main/home/dot_zimrc

ericbn commented

Thanks for reporting this. It was a regression I introduced in the git-info module. It's fixed now. Please run zimfw update.