
shell text garbled on M2 mac

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • I've checked the existing issues and I'm not duplicating a report.
  • I'm using the latest version of zimfw.
  • I've checked the Changelog and I'm not being affected by documented changes.
  • I've checked the 📢 Announcements and I'm not being affected by announced changes.
  • I was able to reproduce the issue with a clean installation of Zim.
  • I've pasted the output of zimfw info below.

Describe the bug
shell text is garbled like ~/g/s/g/h/go-crypto-wallet   master 
I installed font with Powerline symbols and git-info as requirements.

Steps to reproduce
The fist 4 steps restart the shell with a clean installation of Zim in a temporary directory.
Use exec zsh when restarting the terminal or restarting the shell is needed.

  1. cd ${$(mktemp -d):A}
  2. ZDOTDIR=${PWD} HOME=${PWD} ZIM_HOME=${PWD}/.zim exec zsh
  3. curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
  4. exec zsh
  5. Other steps to reproduce the behavior

Current behavior
shell text is garbled like the following image

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 0 16 42

Expected behavior
no garbled text

zimfw info

# In a terminal, run zimfw info, and paste the output here.
zimfw version: 1.9.1 (built at 2022-05-24 21:25:10 UTC, previous commit is 5bcfb8c)
ZIM_HOME:      /Users/hy/.config/zsh/.zim
Zsh version:   5.8.1
System info:   Darwin HYs-MacBook-Air.local 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sat Jun 18 17:07:28 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.41~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8110 arm64

Hi @hiromaily. This pretty much looks like the Powerline font was not enabled in your terminal emulator. Check https://stackoverflow.com/q/42271657/2654518

Thanks for your quick reply and I fixed this problem :)