
Add up to date default public hublist to code.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

So after building the source all valid and up to date hublists are already there. /Team Elite / /Mine/ /Skupino/ /Tankafett/

IMHO these should be included by default. Once one goes down there is always good to have a backup.
Also many users simply do not know how to add and what.

I like what you did with cleaning hub mapping.
Removing http server configs.
Manual hublist addition. Great job.

Cosmetically i would add better splash maybe with blacklink graphics and a nice girl :P
Like akruk did:
Icon on default theme should be original not just dc++ copy. But theese are just cosmetics.

I'll check default hublist URLs and add these in the next commit.

Icon on default theme should be original not just dc++ copy.

Blacklink uses FlylinkDC's icons which look quite nice, better than the icons in AirDC or original DC++. I would gladly accept new icons if somebody provides them, but they must look good and professional. As for the splash/about picture, I like it as it is.

for the colors of the hubs when they open in the upper part, you have to change the colors and put the previous ones, because they were more beautiful