
[cli/mirror] Allow to reencrypt event payload

Opened this issue · 0 comments

As an administrator of ZITADEL I want to mirror my data to an already existing database, this includes already generated encryption keys, so that I can mirror the data to an already existing database.

The Idea is that you can share an instance with other persons without sharing your secrets.

Open questions

  • How to decrypt and encrypt the event payload during mirror?

Acceptance criteria

Additional info

The following events include encrypted data in the payload:

  • idpintent.saml.succeeded: {assertion}

  • idpintent.succeeded: idp{idpAccessToken}

  • instance.idp.oauth.added: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.oidc.added: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.oidc.migrated.azure: {client_secret}

  • instance.idp.oidc.migrated.google: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.azure.added: {client_secret}

  • instance.idp.github.added: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.github_enterprise.added: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.gitlab.added: {client_secret}

  • instance.idp.gitlab_self_hosted.added: {client_secret}

  • instance.idp.google.added: {clientSecret}

  • instance.idp.ldap.v2.added: {bindPassword}

  • instance.idp.apple.added: {privateKey}

  • instance.idp.saml.added: {key} //TODO: do we need to decrypt the key?

  • iam.idp.oidc.config.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.oauth.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.oidc.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.oidc.migrated.azure: {client_secret}

  • org.idp.oidc.migrated.google: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.azure.added: {client_secret}

  • org.idp.github.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.github_enterprise.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.gitlab.added: {client_secret}

  • org.idp.gitlab_self_hosted.added: {client_secret}

  • org.idp.google.added: {clientSecret}

  • org.idp.ldap.v2.added: {bindPassword}

  • org.idp.apple.added: {privateKey}

  • org.idp.saml.added: {key} //TODO: do we need to decrypt the key?

  • instance.sms.configtwilio.added: {token}

  • instance.sms.configtwilio.token.changed: {token}

  • instance.smtp.config.password.changed: {password}

  • instance.smtp.config.added: {password}

  • user.human.mfa.otp.added: {otpSecret}

  • key_pair.added: {publicKey}

  • key_pair.certificate.added: {certificate}