
Update license for JOSS

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  1. Delete either LICENSE' of LICENSE.md`
  2. Use a standard template for LICENSE.
  3. Update copyright holder information. I believe this should be one of the authors or their institution (For example: https://github.com/chasmani/piecewise-regression/blob/master/LICENSE.txt). Joint ownership is also permitted.

Noted! Will fix ASAP

With respect to point 1, CRAN states that it's valid to have both a LICENSE and license.md file in the key-files section. This is also evident in other R packages.

With point 2, I'll refer back to the docs above

A name of a license “template” and a file containing specific variables. The most common case is MIT + file LICENSE, where the LICENSE file needs to contain two fields: the year and copyright holder.

So in this case, I think that we're using the standard CRAN template - I agree with the third point that the copyright holder should be changed and year updated.

Very good. Thank you for verifying CRAN practice.