Check signature of installed apps
zjn0505 opened this issue · 2 comments
In v1.10.0, I added the feature to verify and print cert of local apk files.
I'm also interested in printing signature of installed apps on devices.
It will be a bounce to notify if the installation can be made because of signature conflict in ahead.
Need to figure out how to do that.
adb shell dumpsys package xyz.jienan.xkcd | grep Signature
will print
signatures=PackageSignatures{397b94f version:3, signatures:[42590c97], past signatures:[]}
How is this related to apksigner verify --print-certs
Cert hex can be found at /data/system/packages.xml
Hex can be converted into cert
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in a.cert