demo script does not produce output video
imranmu opened this issue · 1 comments
imranmu commented
Its excellent work but hard to reproduce, running the demo gives this error. It produces color_full folder but is stuck in (match_worker_ray_wrapper pid=2145139) Global seed set to 666
> configure_logging=with_log_configuration,
> 2024-04-11 10:15:55.963 | INFO | __main__:sfm_worker:93 - Worker: 0 will process: ['demo'], total: 1 objects
> 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]2024-04-11 10:15:55.965 | INFO | __main__:sfm_worker:97 - Processing /home/ikealab/workspaceTraining/OnePose_Plus_Plus/data/datasets/demo/demo_cam demo_cam-annotate.
> [2024-04-11 10:15:58,576][numexpr.utils][INFO] - Note: NumExpr detected 64 cores but "NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS" not set, so enforcing safe limit of 8.
> 2024-04-11 10:15:58.739 | INFO | __main__:sfm_core:193 - Keypoint-Free SfM coarse reconstruction begin...
> (match_worker_ray_wrapper pid=2145060) Global seed set to 666 | 0/725 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
> (match_worker_ray_wrapper pid=2145063) Global seed set to 666
> (match_worker_ray_wrapper pid=2145061) Global seed set to 666
> (match_worker_ray_wrapper pid=2145139) Global seed set to 666
katrina992730 commented
The same problem, have you solved it ?