
Bug: running command throws "unable to get local issuer certificate"

taylorn16 opened this issue · 1 comments

What's wrong

I am using node v10.9.0, npm v6.4.0, Windows 10, running command via git bash in my C:\ drive.

When I run npx typescript-starter, the only output I see is this, before the process exits and returns terminal control:

npx: installed 357 in 20.282s

  unable to get local issuer certificate

I also tried running it from the global cache by doing npm i -g typescript-starter and then typescript-starter directly. The results from that call are below, which lead me to believe this is not an issue with npx itself:

  unable to get local issuer certificate

Other details

  • my npm config get strict-ssl is true, but I have a valid, working cafile path set. I know the cafile works because if I delete it's contents and try to run any npm install command anywhere, it throws an error about the certificate. When I replace its contents and run again, everything works as normal.
  • I am using a private NPM registry that mirrors npmjs.com plus my company's internal stuff.
  • Turning on verbose logging in npm doesn't seem to do anything, so I'm not sure how to get more details.
  • Using npx to run npx -p typescript tsc --init successfully creates a tsconfig.json file, so I really don't think this is an issue with npx itself

Welp, I left this in the wrong repo after all. My bad. Closing.