
One-time DNS lookup with predictable selector names

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Research common patterns for selectors, for example based on the domain name
and do a similar batch lookup as in #66

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:20]
couchsurfing.org is a good domain also

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:20]

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:21]
Do we know what this hash value is btw

Olof, [2024-04-02 08:21]
i have seen those but i haven't investigated what it could be

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:23]
I wonder if we can run builtwith on these weird hash ones and see if they all use some mailserver

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:26]
Also contoso.com might be interesting as a pattern too: s=selector1-contoso-com

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:26]
From here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/email-authentication-dkim-configure?view=o365-worldwide

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:26]
So like the pattern selector1-domainname-domainextension

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:27]
Proofpoint seems to have a random number in the end of the selector: https://help.proofpoint.com/Proofpoint_Essentials/Email_Security/Administrator_Topics/030_domains/Configuring_Outbound_DKIM_Signing

Yush G, [2024-04-02 08:30]
Also I wonder if we have a better selector DB than the thousand long list we found

We should also edit this to check the usual gappssmtp and onmicrosoft selectors like #88 for all Alexa 1M domains; I bet we'd catch a bunch that we missed (and each selector is uniquely domain-specific but easy to derive from the domain name).