Failed to generate settings: [graph] [tract]
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I tried to generate settings based on this onnx export, where
def resize_activations(activations, size): resized_activations = [] for i in range(activations.size(1)): resized_activation = transforms.functional.resize(activations[:, i, :, :].unsqueeze(1), size).squeeze(1) resized_activations.append(resized_activation) return torch.stack(resized_activations, dim=1)
activations = mymodel.activations[0]
resized_activations = resize_activations(activations, (112, 112))
torch.onnx.export( mymodel, (img1, img2, resized_activations), model_path, export_params=True, opset_version=10, do_constant_folding=True, input_names=['img1', 'img2'], output_names=['cam'], dynamic_axes={'img1': {0: 'batch_size'}, 'img2': {0: 'batch_size'}, 'cam': {0: 'batch_size'}} )
To reproduce the behaviour you can find the class that extends nn.Module (you could use any pytorch neural network), the onnx file and test inputs here
related issue
I also tried to use a different class with F.interpolate in it, but in that case opset_version >= 11 is required
sick ty for the issue. Will take a look
you can use opset >= 11 btw !
@gufett0 can you check if this problem occurs with latest on main ?
@gufett0 can't you provide a script that e2e generates the onnx. Rn I need to cobble a bunch of the above together and don't quite have the time to
@alexander-camuto sorry for the late reply.
I can confirm that the problem arises only for opset <= 12.
You can find here a single notebook to reproduce e2e