
Can't utilize plot_cpdb3,4 functions using my data

cacaonib opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Thanks for making a good package

I tried to use plot_cpdb3 and plot_cpdb4 for chord plot
I got the Error

p <- plot_cpdb3(cell_type1 = 'T cells', cell_type2 = 'B cells',
scdata = sce,
idents = 'cell_type', # column name where the cell ids are located in the metadata
means = means,
pvals = pvals,
deconvoluted = decon, # new options from here on specific to plot_cpdb3
keep_significant_only = TRUE,
standard_scale = TRUE,
remove_self = TRUE
Error in plot_cpdb3(cell_type1 = "T cells", cell_type2 = "B cells", scdata = sce, :
Sorry not supported. Please use a SingleCellExperiment object.

So, I try the same function using "kidneyimmune data" (practice data)

this data can draw chord plot

so this error means, now I can not use my data in plot_cpdb3 and plot_cpdb3?


Hi, @cacaonib. I'm guessing you are using a Seurat object. Please convert to SingleCellExperiment first. you can use Seurat's as.SingleCellExperiment to do that.

Hi, @cacaonib. I'm guessing you are using a Seurat object. Please convert to SingleCellExperiment first. you can use Seurat's as.SingleCellExperiment to do that.


I missed the simple thing.

Thanks for the quick answer!!

Have a good day!!

no worries! let me know if there's other issues.

no worries! let me know if there's other issues.

Now, this functions work pretty well