
Use --source-ip can't get any results in zmap3.0

passwa11 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
when use --source-ip or -S ,get nothing. unuse -S can get right results.

CLI Arguments
Please paste your ZMap invocation below

➜  zmap sudo zmap -p 80
Jun 26 10:18:44.242 [INFO] zmap: By default, ZMap will output the unique IP addresses of hosts that respond successfully (e.g., SYN-ACK packet). This is equivalent to running ZMap with the following flags: --output-module=csv --output-fields=saddr --output-filter='success=1 && repeat=0' --no-header-row. If you want all responses, explicitly set an output module or set --output-filter="".
Jun 26 10:18:44.242 [WARN] blocklist: ZMap is currently using the default blocklist located at /etc/zmap/blocklist.conf. By default, this blocklist excludes locally scoped networks (e.g.,, and If you are trying to scan local networks, you can change the default blocklist by editing the default ZMap configuration at /etc/zmap/blocklist.conf. If you have modified the default blocklist, you can ignore this message.
Jun 26 10:18:44.296 [INFO] recv: duplicate responses will be excluded from output
Jun 26 10:18:44.296 [INFO] recv: unsuccessful responses will be excluded from output
 0:00 0%; send: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:00 1%; send: 3 7.59 Kp/s (57 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:01 13%; send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:02 25%; send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 3 p/s (1 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:03 38%; send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:04 50%; send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:05 63% (3s left); send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:06 75% (2s left); send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:07 88% (1s left); send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
 0:08 100% (0s left); send: 4 done (75 p/s avg); recv: 3 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 75.00%
Jun 26 10:18:53.328 [INFO] zmap: completed

# use  -S
➜  zmap sudo zmap -p 80 -S
Jun 26 10:19:47.524 [INFO] zmap: By default, ZMap will output the unique IP addresses of hosts that respond successfully (e.g., SYN-ACK packet). This is equivalent to running ZMap with the following flags: --output-module=csv --output-fields=saddr --output-filter='success=1 && repeat=0' --no-header-row. If you want all responses, explicitly set an output module or set --output-filter="".
Jun 26 10:19:47.524 [WARN] blocklist: ZMap is currently using the default blocklist located at /etc/zmap/blocklist.conf. By default, this blocklist excludes locally scoped networks (e.g.,, and If you are trying to scan local networks, you can change the default blocklist by editing the default ZMap configuration at /etc/zmap/blocklist.conf. If you have modified the default blocklist, you can ignore this message.
Jun 26 10:19:47.568 [INFO] recv: duplicate responses will be excluded from output
Jun 26 10:19:47.568 [INFO] recv: unsuccessful responses will be excluded from output
 0:00 0%; send: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:00 1%; send: 1 6.53 Kp/s (24 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:01 13%; send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:02 25%; send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:03 38%; send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:04 50%; send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:05 63% (3s left); send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:06 75% (2s left); send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:07 88% (1s left); send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
 0:08 100% (0s left); send: 4 done (95 p/s avg); recv: 0 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); drops: 0 p/s (0 p/s avg); hitrate: 0.00%
Jun 26 10:19:56.609 [INFO] zmap: completed

Example Target IP

Please list any IPs that can be used for testing behavior.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


  • OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04
  • Version:
Jun 26 10:21:37.809 [INFO] zmap: By default, ZMap will output the unique IP addresses of hosts that respond successfully (e.g., SYN-ACK packet). This is equivalent to running ZMap with the following flags: --output-module=csv --output-fields=saddr --output-filter='success=1 && repeat=0' --no-header-row. If you want all responses, explicitly set an output module or set --output-filter="".
zmap Development Build. Commit dc2937f - Fri Jun 23 14:15:09 2023 -0600

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

You're spoofing your source IP, so all the responses are going to Google's DNS server instead of you (if they even make it past egress filtering). For -S to work, the source IP needs to be routed to you.