
alias_method_chain is deprecated in Rails 5

arokettu opened this issue · 1 comments

Probably change is needed at lib/enum_help/simple_form.rb:73 from class_eval to creating a module and prepending it

Until this depreciation warning is fixed (and maybe forever), I rolled my own like so:

In ApplicationHelper:

def enum_collection_for_select(attribute, include_blank = true)
    x = { |r| [r[0].titleize, r[0]] }
    x.insert(0,['', '']) if include_blank == true

Then with simpleform (could be used without simpleform too):

<%= f.input :role, collection: enum_collection_for_select(User.roles), selected: @user.role %>

Probably not the best idea rely on these little gems that are not updated to fix simple depreciation warnings well after the Rails 5 release.