
superlight 1kb code editor with syntax highlight

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lightweight Decorator for Textareas

yarn add light-code-editor
# or
npm install light-code-editor

How to use codesandbox

  1. include styles "light-code-editor/styles.css"
  2. create parser
const genericParser = new Parser({
  whitespace: /\s+/,
  comment: /\/\*([^\*]|\*[^\/])*(\*\/?)?|(\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*/,
  string: /"(\\.|[^"\r\n])*"?|'(\\.|[^'\r\n])*'?/,
  number: /0x[\dA-Fa-f]+|-?(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)/,
  keyword: /(and|as|case|catch|class|const|def|delete|die|do|else|elseif|esac|exit|extends|false|fi|finally|for|foreach|function|global|if|new|null|or|private|protected|public|published|resource|return|self|static|struct|switch|then|this|throw|true|try|var|void|while|xor)(?!\w|=)/,
  variable: /[\$\%\@](\->|\w)+(?!\w)|\${\w*}?/,
  define: /[$A-Z_a-z0-9]+/,
  op: /[\+\-\*\/=<>!]=?|[\(\)\{\}\[\]\.\|]/,
  other: /\S+/
  1. style your items
.ltd .comment {
  color: red;

.ltd .keyword {
  color: black;
var textarea = $("codeArea");
textarea.value = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n\t" + "\n</html>";
decorator = new TextareaDecorator(textarea, parser);
var textarea = $("codeArea");
textarea.value = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n\t" + "\n</html>";
decorator = new TextareaDecorator(textarea, parser);
bindKey(textarea, {
  "Ctrl-1": e => {
    insertAtCursor("your  superb text", el);
  "Shift-Ctrl-2": e => {

see detailed examples in stories

In browser live syntax highlighting

<!-- normal textarea fall-back, add an id to access it from javascript -->
<textarea id='codeArea' class='ldt'></textarea>
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to allow syntax highlighting.</noscript>


// create a parser with a mapping of css classes to regular expressions
// everything must be matched, so 'whitespace' and 'other' are commonly included
var parser = new Parser(
  { whitespace: /\s+/,
    comment: /\/\/[^\r\n]*/,
    other: /\S+/ } );
// get the textarea with $ (document.getElementById)
// pass the textarea element and parser to LDT
var ldt = new TextareaDecorator( $('codeArea'), parser );


/* editor styles */
.ldt {
	width: 400px;
	height: 300px;
	border: 1px solid black;
/* styles applied to comment tokens */
.ldt .comment {
    color: silver;



  • new TextareaDecorator( textarea, parser ) Converts a HTML textarea element into an auto highlighting TextareaDecorator. parser is used to determine how to subdivide and style the content. parser can be any object which defines the tokenize and identify methods as described in the Parser API below.
  • .input The input layer of the LDT, a textarea element.
  • .output The output layer of the LDT, a pre element.
  • .update() Updates the highlighting of the LDT. It is automatically called on user input. You shouldn't need to call this unless you programmatically changed the contents of the textarea.


  • new Parser( [rules], [i] ) Creates a parser. rules is an object whose keys are CSS classes and values are the regular expressions which match each token. i is a boolean which determines if the matching is case insensitive, it defaults to false.
  • .add( rules ) Adds a mapping of CSS class names to regular expressions.
  • .tokenize( string ) Splits string into an array of tokens as defined by .rules.
  • .identify( string ) Finds the CSS class name associated with the token string.


This is a singleton, you do not need to instantiate this object.

  • .bindKey( element, [keymap] ) Adds Keybinder methods to element, optionally setting the element's keymap.


This is a singleton, you do not need to instantiate this object.

  • .add( element ) Adds SelectHelper methods to element.
  • element.insertAtCursor( string ) Inserts string into the element before the current cursor position.


Opened to contributions, it would be nice to have some predefined parsers and intergrations for react, vue, etc