
Failing on :before?

OscarGodson opened this issue · 1 comments

I have this CSS:

  .sidebar .routing-icon .icon-label:before,
  .sidebar {
    content: ';'; }

running csscss on that file gives me:

Had a problem parsing the css at line: 2, column: 3
Failed to match sequence (SPACE? blocks:((COMMENT / IMPORT / NESTED_RULESET / RULESET){1, }) SPACE?) at line 2 char 3.
`- Expected at least 1 of COMMENT / IMPORT / NESTED_RULESET / RULESET at line 2 char 3.
   `- Expected one of [COMMENT, IMPORT, NESTED_RULESET, RULESET] at line 2 char 3.
      |- Failed to match sequence (SPACE? '/*' (!'*/' .){0, } '*/' SPACE?) at line 2 char 3.
      |  `- Expected "/*", but got ".s" at line 2 char 3.
      |- Failed to match sequence ('@' [Ii] [Mm] [Pp] [Oo] [Rr] [Tt] [^;]{1, } ';' SPACE?) at line 2 char 3.
      |  `- Expected "@", but got "." at line 2 char 3.
      |- Failed to match sequence ('@' [^{}]{1, } '{' (COMMENT / RULESET){0, } '}' SPACE?) at line 2 char 3.
      |  `- Expected "@", but got "." at line 2 char 3.
      `- Failed to match sequence (selector:([^{}]{1, }) '{' SPACE? properties:((MIXIN_ATTRIBUTES / COMMENT / ATTRIBUTE / BLANK_ATTRIBUTE){0, }) '}' SPACE?) at line 4 char 16.
         `- Expected "}", but got "'" at line 4 char 16.

I just merged in @ joseluistorres's PR which should fix this. It will be released in the version following v1.3.1.