Deery is a web application, that serves as an artworks gallery or portfolio for a specific artist. It grants the owner a complete CRUD for their Artworks and Characters.

Its name comes from the artist for whom the project was started: Deery (who owns all the Artworks and Characters that appear in the following screenshots).

Artworks Gallery 🌸

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Visualize & Comment Artworks 💬

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Original Characters Gallery 🌸

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See the artworks where a specific character appear 🔗

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Sign Up & Sign In 👤

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Based in Nord theme by Arctic Ice Studio.


Using Bootstrap v5.0.


Developed using Spring Boot JPA + Hibernate.

Data Persistency

PostgreSQL has been used for data persistency.


Using Heroku.

Current state: WIP

The project is NOT finished, some functionalities still need to be implemented.