
Beginner level Ruby project

Primary LanguageRuby

Make your own J.A.R.V.I.S. in Ruby

Level: Beginner
Time Estimate: 2 hours
Topics: hashes, strings, if statements, while loops

###Project Brief You are Tony Stark about to make your very first version of JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)! Your personal assistant will greet you, follow commands (such as burp) and say goodbye when you turn them off. Although these initial commands will be quite simple, it will be very easy to build this project to add more advance features (think of having JARVIS telling you the current weather based on your IP address!). This is an excellent project if you are completely new to Ruby.


  1. Have JARVIS greet you upon running your file puts "Hello Tony!"

  2. Take user input and turn it into a string using gets.chomp

  3. Add commands! You can have JARVIS sing a song or read you a haiku!

  4. Add a way to quit your program (if you need a temporary way while you fix this just use Control-C to exit the program)

BONUS: Use a bash say command to use your computer's audio capabilities! (To use bash commands in Ruby just wrap them in back ticks `say "Hello Tony!"`

###Additional Resources

###Sample Solution JARVIS 1.0


  • need to add more resources
  • need a code review on the example
  • not sure about time estimate