
Dependency Issue

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Hi there @zolderio,

I have cloned the Repo and upload to the function which appears to work but when it runs it returns an error that pymisp is missing. I upload the function a second time and then i can see it invoking pip to install the modules listed in requirements.txt but the deployment fails. I am using VS Code to do the deployment. I have to create the resource group and the Function App separately as there are Azure Policies in place to ensure things like Tags are added, etc. That is not an issue, just an additional step I need to take.

Below is the message I am seeing.

[19:52:56+0000] INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of awscli to determine which version is compatible with other requirements. This could take a while.
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of asn1crypto to determine which version is compatible with other requirements. This could take a while.
8:52:57 PM functionappname: ERROR: Cannot install -r requirements.txt (line 9) and urllib3==1.24.2 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000]
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] The conflict is caused by:
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] The user requested urllib3==1.24.2
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] botocore 1.12.10 depends on urllib3<1.24 and >=1.20
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000]
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] To fix this you could try to:
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] 1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000] 2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
8:52:57 PM functionappname: [19:52:56+0000]
8:52:57 PM functionappname: ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user_guide/#fixing-conflicting-dependencies

I have tried reducing the version of urllib3 to 1.23 but that does not seem to resolve the issue. Have you come across this and if so was there a resolution?