
🏎Zero is a chrome extension to manage your TODO list.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An light chrome extension to manage daily TODO list.

Zero is writeen with Vue2, and build by webpack.The whole files are build in folder zero.


  • New a TODO;
  • Change the status of TODO;
  • Store historical TODO List;
  • Delete a TODO.

Screen shots



1.Clone the code

$ git clone git@github.com:zollero/zero.git

2.Download the node modules

$ cd zero && npm install

3.Build App and watch files change

$ npm run build

Change Log

v0.0.2 (2017-09-19) Release

  • New a TODO;
  • Change the status of TODO;
  • Store historical TODO List;
  • Delete a TODO.

TODOs list

  • Add notice to TODO;
  • Change data storage style from localStorage to IndexedDB;
  • Add dashboard page to show Whole data analysis.