
Failed to install gem. Dependency dead_end requires Ruby version >= 2.5.0.

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In the README was indicated that this gem is compatible with 2.1+ Ruby versions. I am using Ruby 2.4.1. During the bundle install command I received the next error:
Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError: dead_end requires Ruby version >= 2.5.0. The current ruby version is 2.4.0. An error occurred while installing dead_end (1.1.6), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that gem install dead_end -v '1.1.6' --source 'https://rubygems.org/' succeeds before bundling.
Is it possible to resolve this without migrating to Ruby 2.5.0?
Thank you!

2.5.0 is also EOL. 2.4.1 is quite old. Derailed now depends on Ruby 2.5.0+