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zonzujiro commented
- As a user, I want to see the list of popular movies
- Each item in a list contains poster and title, IMDB score, TMDB score (if available)
- The list must have pagination and lazy load for posters
- List items must change their proportions and number of elements in a row depending on screen size
- I want to have a possibility to add a movie to the list of favorites
- As a user, I want to search movies by title, by name of actors, by genre, by year, etc.
- I want to see first five search suggestions in the dropdown menu under the search bar while I typing request
- All search results must be drawn instead of the list of movies after submitting of a search request
- The search must be made like an input with tags. This part must be discussed
- I want to have a possibility to sort movies by a score from IMDB or TMDB and by year