
Getting started

Plugin can be installed using npm
With yarn:
$ yarn add react-native-vpn-ipsec --save
Or with npm:
$ npm install react-native-vpn-ipsec --save

Mostly automatic installation

on react native >60 no need to do anything but for manualing installation run the code below

$ react-native link react-native-vpn-ipsec


To run example:

  • make sure the module folder has no node_modules
  • install the dependencies on the example folder using yarn or npm i
  • run the project:
npx react-native run-android


import { saveConfig, prepare, connect } from "react-native-vpn-ipsec";
useEffect(() => {
}); /// or use componentDidmount in case of a class component
connect(name, address, username, password,  secret, disconnectOnSleep)

saveConfig(name, address, username, password,  secret)

see example folder.


Name arguments returns Description
prepare None Promise Android: This will ask permission and do necessary setups
IOS: This will listen for status change on vpn
connect address: string (address of VPN)
username: string (username of VPN's credentials)
password: string (username of VPN's credentials)
vpnType: string | undefined (Android only, not implemented yet)
mtu: number | undefiend (Android only, VPN's maximum transmission unit)
Promise Connect to vpn with provided credentials
getCurrentState None Promise Get current VPN state
getCharonErrorState (Android only) None Promise Get current VPN Error state (Android only)
disconnect None Promise Disconnect the VPN
onStateChangedListener callback: (state: { state: VpnState; charonState: CharonErrorState }) => void EmitterSubscription Will call the callback on state change
removeOnStateChangeListener stateChangedEvent: EmitterSubscription void Remove the state change listener


Name Values Description
VpnState disconnected = 0 (VPN is disconnected)
connecting = 1 (VPN is connecting)
connected = 2 (VPN is connected)
disconnecting = 3 (VPN is disconnecting)
genericError = 4 (VPN encountered an error charon state on android to find out the error)
VPN current state
CharonErrorState NO_ERROR = 0 (VPN has no error)
AUTH_FAILED = 1 (Wrong credentials)
UNREACHABLE = 4 (VPN URL is unreachable)
PASSWORD_MISSING = 6 (No password has been provided)
CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLE = 7 (Certification has not been provided)
UNDEFINED = 8 (Unknown error)
VPN Error