
Additional Examples

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey hey, awesome project. Couple of questions:

Can y'all provide some of the following examples. I couldn't quite figure out how to:

  • delete a project using the Project.delete method
  • add an existing workflow to an new project?
  • delete a Project, SubjectSet

https://github.com/zooniverse/panoptes-python-client/wiki/Delete-a-project I'm not sure that we've implemented the resource delete method yet though. The same would apply for subject set too.

I believe adding an existing workflow to a new project will copy the workflow object without data. e.g.

workflow = Workflow.find(1)
project = Project()
project.links.workflow = workflow

Try it out and feel free to create a wiki entry for this.

I'm going to close this now that there's documentation on Read the Docs that covers all the supported classes/methods:


But I'll note that deleting objects isn't supported at the moment. Do feel free to open another issue as a feature request if that's needed, as well as opening new issues/PRs for anything we could add to the docs.