
A simple example to compare real-world, user-experienced cold start times of different serverless stacks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How quick, simple, and cheap can the web2 stack be in 2023?



  • The server has API keys the browser cannot access


  • Page shows time from the browser
  • Page shows time from the server, and the difference between the clocks


  • Page shows the user's true wait time, from the browser navigation to the page showing components rendered from data from the database

Client and server side code

  • Client code validates an email
  • The same code running on the server validates the email


  • Global counter, increment button, when last clicked, and by whom


  • The page knows if this browser has been here before, saving an identifier, and letting the user set a nickname
  • More than one year later, the nickname is still there, allowing the user to still be signed in

Routes and cards

  • The user can navigate between routes on the site, which look like pages but are just DOM updates
  • Links to routes in the site render to custom titles and image cards in third-party social media sites and chat apps, using Open Graph protocol (Meeting this requirement may change earlier choices about client and server-side rendering)