
Unable to join chat (join is not a function)

techlover1 opened this issue · 4 comments

When attempting to join the chat nothing happens. In JS console I get the error: Uncaught TypeError: join is not a function at HTMLInputElement.onclick ((index):119)

System is running a fresh install of Kubuntu 19.10, accessing from lan with no reverse proxy

Console log is attached

What version of Go are you running? It sounds like static/js/wasm_exec.js is for a different version of Go than you compiled with. I still don't have a good way to automatically grab the correct version, but you should be able to find it at /usr/lib/go/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js (see #97).

You should be able to just copy the file from Go's directory into the static/js/ directory and be all set.

Running go 1.12.10
Copying the file worked. However, now when I send a message it shows in the console, but not in the browser

That was a bug that I fixed the other day with 78ecee1. Pull the changes, and that should fix it. (it's a CSS change so you may need to ctrl-f5 to get the new version in your browser)

Awesome! That did it, Thanks!