
Logcraft.within_log_context not changing AccessLog context

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Adding extra context to logs via Logcraft.within_log_context works on the "Application" logger but not on the "AccessLog" logger.

How Has This Been Tested?

With this configuration in the app's ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_action :set_log_context


  def set_log_context
    context = {
      foo: "bar"
    Logcraft.within_log_context(context) { yield }


Expected to have the "foo": "bar" context on every log resulting from a request, but it only shows up on logs from the "Application" logger. Logcraft.within_log_context appears to not modify the context of the "AccessLog" logger.

{"timestamp":"2022-07-18T21:04:03.218-03:00","level":"DEBUG","logger":"Application","hostname":"8bdc5a40963a","pid":605,"request_id":"7ca69bc3-7c38-46c4-90c1-f184dc2ef743","foo":"bar","message":"ETHON: Libcurl initialized"}
{"timestamp":"2022-07-18T21:04:04.259-03:00","level":"INFO","logger":"AccessLog","hostname":"8bdc5a40963a","pid":605,"message":"GET /catalog/products - 304 (Not Modified)","remote_ip":"","method":"GET","path":"/catalog/products","params":{"controller":"catalog/products","action":"index"},"response_status_code":304,"duration":1084,"duration_sec":1.084,"request_id":"7ca69bc3-7c38-46c4-90c1-f184dc2ef743"}


None that I could find.


  • Ruby 3.1.2
  • Rails
  • Logcraft (main branch @ e40b66b66818226f107944b466d19250971a204e)

Hi @rodrigotassinari ,

This is to be expected. The reason is that the AccessLog is a middleware deep inside Rails's middleware chain so by the time your code execution gets to a controller, you're already "inside" the AccessLog middleware - any context you start will be closed by the time execution gets back to the AccessLog, so your context data will have been removed already.

There are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Use the global_context configuration setting to inject data into the log.
  2. Write a middleware to set your log context and place it before the Logcraft's RequestLogger in the chain.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the response @zormandi (and sorry about not replying sooner). This makes perfect sense. I'll use the global_context then.