
"Could not find Discord running" error although discord is installed and open

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"Could not find Discord running" error although discord is installed and open

Hi, what operating system are you using, and are you using the official Discord client?

i'm on ubuntu 24.04 and yes, i've downloaded the installer from their website

Thanks, I'll try and replicate your machine and see if I get the same error.
pypresence is the library used for connecting to the Discord client, If I am able to replicate, I'll see if It's something I can fix or send a report about

Any updates?

I haven't been able to get the same issue.
Ubuntu 24.04, python 3.10.12, discord installed from official website

I'll try to perform a clean installation of both python and discord. I'll post how it goes

I've tried to use the script on my windows machine, it recognizes discord and the console but then it shows this and crashes

Oh? That's odd, could you please open PS4RPD.exe manually via command prompt so you can get the error log?

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Change directory to where PS4RPD.exe is stored, in your screenshot that would be cd downloads
  3. enter PS4RPD.exe to run the executable

Oh? That's odd, could you please open PS4RPD.exe manually via command prompt so you can get the error log?

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Change directory to where PS4RPD.exe is stored, in your screenshot that would be cd downloads
  3. enter PS4RPD.exe to run the executable


Thank you, I can see the issue ("get_title_id(): (None, None)") shouldn't be a possible scenario,
This is (I believe) caused by the script, in "test_for_ps4()" returning True for an IP address that should be returning False.
I'm going to make the test condition more specific for the PS4, if you happen to see this before I update the repo, could you please check if actually belongs to your PS4, or if it belongs to some other device?

Thank you, I can see the issue ("get_title_id(): (None, None)") shouldn't be a possible scenario, This is (I believe) caused by the script, in "test_for_ps4()" returning True for an IP address that should be returning False. I'm going to make the test condition more specific for the PS4, if you happen to see this before I update the repo, could you please check if actually belongs to your PS4, or if it belongs to some other device?

the address actually belongs to my raspberry pi, which shares wifi to my console through PPPoE https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn

do you know what network ports are involved? i could try opening them on my rpi, maybe that could solve the issue

using updated executable

So still the same issue. Sorry but I'm not at all familiar with pppoe, does the PS4 have it's own IP address on your network? Or is it also using the IP address from the rpi?

Looking at the Readme for Pi-pwn, requests are forwarded from PC, to Rpi, to PS4. I've tried setting it to active mode as recommended, please try the new executable or python file once uploaded here

same issue :/

I'm hoping this was caused by me stupidly missing a line of code, please try the following debug script, executable is included in the .zip if you don't have python setup.
I've manually set the IP address as "" from your screenshot, if it works it should print out a bunch of folders

from ftplib import FTP

def lewiwiii(ip):
    data = []
    ftp = FTP()
        ftp.connect(ip, 2121)  # device uses port 2121
        if "goldhen" not in ftp.getwelcome().lower():
            print(f"Bad welcome message. {ftp.getwelcome()}")
        ftp.login("", "")  # device has no creds by default
        ftp.cwd("/mnt/sandbox")  # device has path as specified (NPXS20001: SCE_LNC_APP_TYPE_SHELL_UI)
        ftp.quit()  # close FTP connection
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"test_for_ps4():     No FTP server found on '{ip}'. '{e}'.")
        return False  # some error was encountered, FTP server required does not exist on given IP
        print(f"test_for_ps4():     PS4 found on '{ip}'")
        for item in data:
        return True  # no errors were encountered, an FTP server with no login creds, and "/mnt/sandbox" exists

ip = ""

it works!

awesome, please try latest release 1.4.3

it works as it should now, thank you