
Add ability to not have to use a team for list of channels.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Right now to use the bot, you need to have a team that the bot gets a list of channels from. Not everyone has or wants a team, so making it so a channel list could be specified manually would be good. This could start off as a simple list in the config file, but could then later become a thing you could modify while the bot is running using a set of commands.

oh i like that idea

Added a basis for this type of thing into the v1.1.0 branch and released v1.1.0-rc1 for someone else to test out a little while ago, haven't heard any complaints yet. Will leave this open for now though because the current implementation is a bit messy and could do with improving, along with making it so it can be done via commands and not just the config file.

Super it works nice :) so i no need a Twitch team for my Network tanks