
Planning for Oct 1st and 2nd 2020 PI Planning

Closed this issue · 12 comments

PI planning date set of Oct 1&2 -

  • Organize working session with squad leads on 3Q accomplishments, new issues and items for 4Q
  • Does ZLC have any updated views on prior themes?
    - Research on globalization? Sizing of effort
    - Increased focus on automated testing - include in code check in process?
    - HA - status?
    - PSI plans

Zowe Community Context & Vision for 20PI3.pptx

Prior deck - in need of update for 4Q PI Planning

Zowe Community Context & Vision for 20PI4 Draft .pptx

Draft deck for ZLC POV for 4Q - agenda topic for ZLC meeting today

@armstro Has anyone reached out to the squad leads to collect their notable achievements from the current PI yet? Or did you have a different plan for building those achievement slides?

Hey Mike @pdubz3 - I have not reached out to the squad leads for achievements (a little late to do so in my mind) - I was think we have other topics to cover of higher priority - like TSC. I was going to highlight metrics, events (Share, OMP Summit, etc.).

@armstro It's definitely late but people like to see that leadership recognizes what they've accomplished. Maybe it's not too late just to ask them each for a few (no more than 2 or 3) notable accomplishments to choose from that we can highlight on a single slide? We don't need a whole slide from each squad I think a single slide works too. If there's no time to present it then I guess we can do without. Thoughts?

@pdubz3 I'm happy to have your help if you want to pull a slide together -

@pdubz3 even if you pull content from the release notes from zowe.org - it would be a way to collect info without reaching out to each squad lead

@armstro Absolutely Bruce. I'll send an email to the squad leads right away requesting their short list of accomplishments, and if I get the responses I'll create a single slide for your deck.

Zowe Community Context & Vision for 20PI4 Draft Sept 30 .pptx

Draft of proposed deck for PI kickoff - to be discussed at ZLC meeting today

I would like to close this issue - if there are any follow up actions or lessons learned please created a new issue for the next PI Planning