
import from "@brightside/imperative";

cycaoecw opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, i got error when issue npm run build after follow the Extending a plug-in.

It said can not find @brightside/imperative in package.json. In this case i check the package.json and found that the imperative is using ZOWE. So it updated to import { RestClient, AbstractSession, ImperativeExpect, Logger } from "@zowe/imperative"; and it is work.

Sorry for the confusion. We're in a transition state for the package scopes. I'll bring this to the team to see what needs updated in our sample and documentation.

master has been stabilized to @zowe scoped packages.

lts-incremental will remain with @brightside references.

Again, apologies for the confusion as we were transitioning everything to be zowe-scoped.