
config field not verified

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, i had a bit of a hard time fixing an issue on zpanel not generating the apache vhost config, after a some digging to understand how it works i found two issues:
1: the field allowed a carriage return
2: the guy who installed the panel wrote "include /path/to/file.conf" there (not sure why or how)

I do not know if it would cause issues with windows, but this field should be checked for a valid path or only accept a valid regexp to match a path. Also most fields in apache settings should be an input not a textarea

5050 commented

Hi, wich field is concerned ? May be we can improve it, but ...

  • CR would not be a problem because empty lines are ignored in conf files, except if it breaks a command in two lines
  • Apache config and VHost override must remains as open as possible and must be used only by experimented administrator. It is not possible to enable all specific configuration while checking all input (or would be an infinite work). The administrator is responsible of what he entered.

the field is "apache vhost conf", can you check this? to discard any weird issues on my end
this is the field where i found the issues, here it sould be only a path (not sure if windows hosting would use spaces in here)
also try to add two carriage returns there and regenerate config to see if they are updated or changed its name. thats why I think this (and a few others) textareas should be considered an input instead
like "apache service name", "apache binary", "apache restart cmd", etc.
