
Arcadeflow theme v 15.9 : list empty and utility menu too fast

Closed this issue · 8 comments

hello, I wanted to try the layout (after the redraw error I downloaded the last artifact from the master actions tab so now running am+ on the last version).
after setting up 0 for cache, I see "list empty" and if i go up or down (keyboard or gamepad) it scrolls way too fast in the menus, and I cannot easily setup anything

As far as the quick scroll is concerned, if your screen has a fast refresh rate (>60Hz) try enabling "Adjust Performance" in the "Performance & FX" menu of Arcadeflow.

Apart from the "list empty" is there something in the last run log, or on the console output?

thanks i'll try to reach that menu (quite a skill game at that speed ! :D)
(and I checked my screen is configured at 60Hz)

yes it says
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'ps2' does not exist]

I understand Arecadeflow recognizes the systems but not that one?
though my ps2.cfg points to
system Sony Playstation 2
is it checking the names of the emulatos/*.cfg files or the system names inside of them ?

This kind of error is usually related to some issues with the romlist. It would be useful to have the full error message (with all the debug data), a copy of your ps2.cf, attract,cfg and the ps2 romlist. If you want you can send me a direct message on discord, or on the discord helpline channel of Arcadeflow: https://discord.gg/UPtAsV5VNC

Oh, and are you maybe using a "master romlist" setup?

If you mean by master romlist multisystems, yes that happens for arcade (I mix several emus in one romlist file, like mame, fba, naomi, etc. but not the console ones) but I have not tested yet
I actually build mines with a custom scraper script, here are my confs:

display Sony Playstation 2
layout Sony Playstation 2(I try to change to yours)
romlist Sony Playstation 2

=> romlist/Sony Playstation 2.txt
my 3rd column always contains the system linked to emulators/system.cfg

=> emulators/ps2.cfg
system Sony Playstation 2

I haved tried ps2, wii and snes, all showing the same error :
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'system' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [z_listboot()] .../zpaolo11x-Arcadeflow-4550a17/layout.nut line [6691]
relates to
if (!z_list.db1[fe.game_info(Info.Emulator, ifeindex)].rawin(fe.game_info(Info.Name, ifeindex)))

*FUNCTION [on_transition()] .../zpaolo11x-Arcadeflow-4550a17/layout.nut line [15317]
relates to

Maybe my issue is related to the difference between emulator names and display names ? (which can happen)

  • on my other bug (menu too fast, though 60Hz), I have tried your advice (enabling "Adjust Performance" in the "Performance & FX" menu of Arcadeflow) but still the same, maybe related to the empty list ?

I tested in the past with multi-emulator romlists and it was not a problem at all, but I'll check again to see if this has become an issue with later updates to the layout.

If ps2 romlist only has one emulator defined, then the issue is not there, but without a complete log, with all the variable values attached, it's not possible to debug. The error says the "system" index does not exist, but I'm not sure where this "system" comes from without having a look at the variables.

I usually ask users to share their actual romlist and config file to replicate the same case on my test rig, because every romlist and every setup is different and sometimes looking at the log can hint in the direction of which romlist is throwing an issue. Since AF reads all romlists at start, then an error in any romlist, not just the current one, can take it down.

UPDATE: I'm not sure how multi-emulator is implemented in your case, but for AF to work correctly, at the moment, each emulator needs to have its own romlist with the roms listed. So for example if you have an emulator mame.cfg and fbneo.cfg and you created a romlist for mame.cfg, then you want to use fbneo as an emulator for some of the games, you'll have first to generate the fbneo romlist, then change the emulator in mame romlist. That will allow Arcadeflow to scan both the "mame" and "fbneo" games. I know this sounds a bit cumbersome, but at the moment AF only understand two kinds of romlists: the one generated from an emulator, and the one obtained "patching together" roms from different romlists, but the originating romlists must be there too.

ok, AM and AM+ work well with my custom lists and other layouts (robospin, nevato, ...), that only z_listboot() check in the arcadeflow code is specific, not like AM works.
My understanding is that a display points to a romlist, the romlist indicates an emulator per line (can all be different in one same romlist), and then each emulator.cfg points to the exe and rompaths,
there is no link from the emulator.cfg to the romlist, this is the other way, and it seems to be the issue in AF code.

an example of what AM understands and that I have:

  • 1 arcade display
  • 1 arcade romlist which is the concatenation of roms in fba and mame folders
    each line has either fba or mame as the emulator
  • fba.cfg and mame.cfg respectively shows which emu/exe and rompath they use, and the system (same name as display and romlist)
  • and the arcade display can be different from the emulator.cfg name)

I'll try and share you on discord relevant samples so that you can test on your side

AF should be able now to cope with all mixed romlist and emulator scenarios, if you don't have any further feedback I'll close the issue...