command not found: add-zsh-hook
lemons990 opened this issue · 4 comments
lemons990 commented
I added it to my .zshrc file and it gives me this error:
/var/folders/v2/wx3l7mt117q4jygt86g745t00000gp/T//.zpm-cache-JP.zsh:26: command not found: add-zsh-hook
I have oh-my-zsh installed as well as brew
lemons990 commented
I should have mentioned I'm using iTerm, but in the default terminal application I get:
Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function
Valid hooks are:
chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name
grigorii-horos commented
@lemons990 Hello.
Can you show a part of .zshrc
related to zpm?
grigorii-horos commented
@lemons990 Check new commit, run git pull
in ~/.zpm
folder, remove /var/folders/v2/wx3l7mt117q4jygt86g745t00000gp/T//.zpm-cache-JP.zsh
and reopen terminal
grigorii-horos commented
@lemons990 Hi, try to update the plugin now