Does not work with zdharma/history-search-multi-word
lainiwa opened this issue · 4 comments
I load the plugin as follows:
zpm load zdharma/history-search-multi-word
Ctrl+R issues the error:
_zsh_highlight_call_widget:3: history-search-multi-word: function definition file not found
However when I source history-search-multi-word.plugin.zsh
manually it starts working just fine (eval "$(<plugin)"
, as described in the standard, works as well).
I've tried adding ,source:history-search-multi-word.plugin.zsh
with no effect.
What might be causing this?
Of... This is described in README. It's normal behavior
add plugin folder to your $fpath, only if exist at least one _* file, enabled by default
This plugin doesn't contain any _* file, so it will not be added to $fpath,
You can manually add this plugin to fpath
zpm load zdharma/history-search-multi-word,fpath:/
@lainiwa Also, this plugin doesn't support functions dir standard
Oh, indeed...
I expected .plugin.zsh to act the same way when sourced from within zpm and when manually sourced, which it seems not to be the case.
Thank you!
@lainiwa Also, i made a pull request for compatibility with zsh plugin standard