
a few different errors

nerd190 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

Skip install zpm ✖
Unknown command `zpm zpm-zsh/colors,inline`, treat as `zpm load zpm-zsh/colors,inline`
_tags:comptags:36: can only be called from completion function
_tags:comptry:55: can only be called from completion function
_tags:comptags:60: can only be called from completion function
_tags:comptags:67: can only be called from completion function
/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.zpm/plugins/NgoKimPhu---zsh-git-escape-magic/git-escape-magic.plugin.zsh:9: git-escape-magic: function definition file not found
Install @omz/glob-alias ✔
Install @omz/last-working-directory ✔

Note: everytime I open a shell, I get the above printed each time, the last 2 installs are always installed "successfully" but they are in fact broken symlinks.

To Reproduce
(apologies for github's formatting!) $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc:

source ~/.zpm/zpm.zsh 2>/dev/null || {
  git clone https://github.com/zpm-zsh/zpm ~/.zpm
  source ~/.zpm/zpm.zsh

# general plugins
zpm load \
  zpm-zsh/rust,async                                  \
  zpm-zsh/check-deps                                \
  zpm-zsh/extract,async                             \
  zpm zpm-zsh/zpm-info,async                 \
  zpm zpm-zsh/zpm-readme,async           \
  zpm-zsh/check-deps,async                      \
  zpm-zsh/ls,async                                        \
  zpm-zsh/colorize,async                             \
  zpm-zsh/ssh,async                                    \
  zpm-zsh/pretty-time,async                       \
  zpm-zsh/template,async                          \
  zpm-zsh/pr-is-root,async                          \
  zpm-zsh/pr-jobs,async                              \
  zpm-zsh/background,async                     \
  zsh-vi-more/vi-motions,async                  \
  zsh-vi-more/vi-quote,async                       \
  zsh-vi-more/ex-commands,async            \
  zsh-vi-more/directory-marks,async          \
  willghatch/zsh-saneopt                              \
  willghatch/zsh-snippets,async                  \
  willghatch/zsh-cdr,async                              \
  MichaelAquilina/git-commands,async        \
  MichaelAquilina/zsh-you-should-use,async \
  MichaelAquilina/zsh-history-filter,async       \
  mafredri/zsh-async,async                               \
  qoomon/zsh-lazyload                                      \
  zsh-hooks/zsh-hooks                                      \
  agkozak/zhooks,async                                    \
  b4b4r07/zsh-vimode-visual,async                \
  Tarrasch/zsh-functional,async                      \
  junegunn/fzf,async                                         \
  paulirish/git-open,async                                 \
  felipec/git-completion,async                         \
  mafredri/zsh-async                                         \
  hchbaw/zce.zsh,async                                   \
  aykamko/tag,async                                         \
  mollifier/cd-gitroot,async                               \
  MenkeTechnologies/zsh-expand,async       \
  michaelxmcbride/zsh-dircycle,async           \
  mollifier/anyframe,async                               \
  RobertAudi/tsm,async                                    \
  knu/zsh-manydots-magic,async                   \
  knu/zsh-easy-vcs-status,async                     \
  knu/zsh-delsel-mode,async                           \
  knu/imerge,async                                            \
  knu/p,async                                                      \
  knu/e,async                                                      \
  knu/g,async,apply:path                                   \
  NgoKimPhu/zsh-git-escape-magic,async     \
  tj/git-extras,async                                             \
  gitbits/git-ls-branches,async                          \
  caarlos0-graveyard/zsh-open-pr,async         \

# oh-my-zsh
zpm load @omz
zpm load \
  @omz/vi-mode                            \
  @omz/fzf,async                          \
  @omz/deno,async                      \
  @omz/gh,async                           \
  @omz/golang,async                    \
  @omz/rust,async                          \
  @omz/perms,async                      \
  @omz/safe-paste,async               \
  @omz/shrink-path,async              \
  @omz/web-search,async              \
  @omz/adb,async                            \
  @omz/otp,async                             \
  @omz/pip,async                              \
  @omz/pass,async                           \
  @omz/ripgrep,async                        \
  @omz/fd,async                                 \
  @omz/git-extras,async                    \
  @omz/glob-alias,async                    \
  @omz/ssh-agent,async                    \
  @omz/gpg-agent,async                    \
  @omz/keychain,async                      \
  @omz/term_tab,async                      \
  @omz/transfer,async                         \
  @omz/extract,async                          \
  @omz/universalarchive,async          \
  @omz/last-working-directory,async \

# desktop/laptop
zpm if-not termux load zpm-zsh/ignored-users,async

# not ssh
zpm if-not ssh load \
  zpm-zsh/clipboard,async                                    \
  zpm-zsh/zsh-history-substring-search,async  \
  zpm-zsh/zsh-autosuggestions,async               \
  zpm-zsh/fast-syntax-highlighting,async           \
  zpm-zsh/history-search-multi-word,async       \
  @omz/wd,async                                                   \
  voronkovich/gitignore.plugin.zsh,async           \

Expected behavior
The errors are likely my own fault!

Additional context
THANK YOU so much for the best plugin manager I've ever tried!

@nerd190 Wow... Your copy of zpm repo is TOO old... Can you run this snippet?

cd ~/.zpm 
git pull
# Restart terminal emulator session