
Github Webhooks returning 404 Not Found

jvcjunior opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Hey guys, how are you?

I've tried to follow these steps: https://stage.now.sh/
After I deploy to my now account I went to step 4 and forward. I did everything as the website says but when github creates the webhook, this is happening:


What I did wrong? OR anyone here already faced that?

I've also been getting the same issue when going through the setup. Would love some insight @zpnk :)

zpnk commented

@jvcjunior If you try to redeploy stage-ci does the same thing happen? One thing I notice about your screenshot is that the url is https://reactconf-hrpvs.... This is not the right url for stage-ci, it should be something like https://stage-ci-abc123... Could you try again and if it's still not working post the steps you took? Thanks!

zpnk commented

@richmccartney If you check your repo's webhook settings, do you have a url that starts with https://stage-ci-[random]? This is important as that means the webhook is pointing to the right server. Could you try redeploying and if it's still not working post the setup steps you took? Thanks!

Hey @zpnk I'll try! Thanks for your answer!

Hey @zpnk I've tried but it's returning this message:

Deploy failed, please check the repo and try again.

I'm using like this:

I'm using my token from now account. I've created a github_token as well and set some string as webhook_secret.

Is there a way of check what's happening? Thanks in advance!

zpnk commented

@jvcjunior I think that was due to deploy.now not support Docker-based projects (which stage.now is).

This has been fixed in zpnk/deploy.now#8, so if you re-deploying using this url or the button on https://stage.now.sh it should work. If not please let me know.

Closing for now, thanks for the report! :)

Related: #12, #22

Thank you @zpnk I believe it's working now:


But when I click on the link, it's opening something like this:


Do you have any idea why?

Actually our project are not docker based. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

zpnk commented

@jvcjunior Good news, seeing that json response means that stage-ci deployed successfully!

The next steps are to copy that stage-ci-wfw... url and set it up as a webhook on your GitHub repo. Check out the directions here, from step 4 onward. Let me know if you run into any issues. :)

RE: Docker - the issue was not with your project, but the deploy.now service we use for the deploy button on stage.now. Sorry for the confusion!

@zpnk I did all steps after 3. But how can I access the deployed page?

zpnk commented

@jvcjunior This is the way stage-ci works:

  • user deploys stage-ci to now, gets a url like stage-ci-abc123.now.sh.
  • users configures that url as a webhook on a GitHub repo.
  • when a pull request is opened (or pushed to) on that repo, the code of that PR is deployed to now.
  • the url of the PR deployment will be shown on the pull request.

Does that make sense?

@zpnk I see!! Thanks for your answer! It's working!!!! I appreciate your help..

zpnk commented

@jvcjunior Glad it's working for you, thanks for using stage!

Thank you man!! And congratulations.. It's a great project! ;)