
crail-site.conf configure mistake leads to java arrayindexoutofboundsexception 1

aijing-sun opened this issue · 2 comments

In current version, I find that crail.storage.types replace the crail.datanode.types.
In the conf/crail-site.conf.template, it is like below:
crail.storage.types com.ibm.crail.datanode.rdma.RdmaDataNode
but in the README.md, it is this
crail.datanode.types com.ibm.crail.storage.rdma.RdmaStorageTier
In fact crail.storage.types com.ibm.crail.storage.rdma.RdmaStorageTier is the right one in current version.
Here com.ibm.crail.storage.rdma.RdmaStorageTier is in the StorageServer.java.
If using com.ibm.crail.datanode.rdma.RdmaDataNode, then storageTierIndex will be 1 which leading to java arrayindexoutofboundsexception at the namenode.
So this STORAGE_TYPES should be consistent in README.me, core-site.conf.template, CrailConstants.java and StorageServer.java.

Thanks for pointing this out. Indeed all docs should be consistent as com.ibm.crail.storage.rdma.RdmaStorageTier is the right property here. We'll fix this with the next stable check in. There was a DiSNI<->Crail version incompatibility from April 5 to April 6 which is fixed now, in case you had problems to compile Crail today.