
iobench read faulty request

aijing-sun opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I have met something wrong when I ran iobench.
When I run ./bin/crail iobench -t writeClusterDirect -s 1048576 -k 1024 -f /tmp.dat, it worked well. And I can see the result like below and find the tmp.dat using ./bin/crail fs -l /:

starting benchmark...
execution time 0.157
ops 1024.0
sumbytes 1.073741824E9
throughput 54712.95918471338
latency 153.3203125

But when I read the file. It went wrong. I use the command like below
./bin/crail iobench -t readSequentialDirect -s 1048576 -k 1024 -f /tmp.dat
The result is this and halt there:

starting benchmark...
17/04/10 15:28:29 INFO crail: faulty request, status 12

Could any one tell me where is wrong?

Can you print the entire log printout during the write and the read that includes all the conf settings?

Also, please post this on the mailing list so that other people can benefit from it. Thanks.