
m.kuku.lu wrapper in python

Primary LanguagePython


Email Generator m.kuku.lu wrapper in python

import kukumail
c=kukumail.Client(session_hash="",proxy="https://localhost:8080")# Even without session_hash, it will work if you use c.register()
if c.me()=={}:
email=c.generate_random_email()#generate email
print(c.recv_email(email))#List of emails sent
print(c.get_address())#List of emails


Updates when the stars exceed 16

What to update.

  1. send a email
  2. get list of available email domain
  3. delete email address
  4. async implementation

Recommended environment to use this

  1. ip: Asia/Tokyo
  2. OS: Windows 10,11 or Android

Services that can be used in the mail created with this

  1. discord
  2. x(old twitter)
  3. bluesky
  4. gametrade