Porting project to PlatformIO project, as opposed to Arduino IDE
TTN- opened this issue · 6 comments
Would you be open to having this project converted into a PlatformIO project? I'm thinking of doing a fork with exactly that.
It's an extension for Visual Studio Code which makes life a lot easier as a programmer, while still utilizing the arduino framework. Also supports proper debugging on most boards.
Ok so I've made a start, and I can see there has been a LOT of work gone into making this project what it is today.
There's also a fair bit of work in tidying it up splitting the headers into .cpp and .h files and just some general house keeping.
Good morning TTN. Yes of course, that would be a nice step forward. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm working from my mobile for the next two weeks.
EDIT: I previously started a little project to modularize the tracker, but got inevitably sidetracked into something else more urgent. Lol.
Good morning to you too ZS6buj,
Haha, I know the feeling, got side tracked into this! Alright well I'm working on it, might be a few days till I come out with something functional, did you get anywhere with what you had? I'm part way through splitting it all up into headers/cpp files. Is it worth sharing?
Yeah, definitely worth sharing. PIO with included libs is much easier for others to build and flash IMO, and easier to debug.
I got quite far, but then hit some snags with dependencies. Then sidetracked, :)
no progress on this. Sorry I've been quite busy elsewhere