
Problems with push button

Droneforest05 opened this issue · 12 comments

Hello im having problems using the button
I tried every gpio on the board and in any ot them the push button works
now i set it to pin 34 and the other pin to gnd but nothing
i dont know if you can do something but if you cant i see that im not the first to have that problem and it worked on version 2.18.7 so if you can at least add the old ones like you used to
I will be grateful
All the other features works (compass telem in....._)
#if (ESP32_Variant == 1) // ESP32 Dev Module
uint8_t in_rxPin = 27; // uart1
#define in_txPin 17
uint8_t gps_rxPin = 13; // uart2 for tracker box GPS if applicable
#define gps_txPin 4
bool rxInvert = true; // ONLY FOR FrSky S.Port, NOT F.Port, NOT MAVLINK
#define SetHomePin 34 // LOW == pushed
#define StatusLed 25 // Off=No good GPS yet, flashing=good GPS but home not set yet, solid = ready to track
#define BuiltinLed 99
#define azPWM_Pin 32 // azimuth servo (can't be 34,35,36,39 because input only !!)
#define elPWM_Pin 33 // elevation servo(can't be 34,35,36,39 because input only !!)
#define BuiltinLed 02 // PB1

#define displaySupport       // uncomment me if you have a SSD1306 display
#if (defined displaySupport)   // Display type defined with # define displaySupport   
  #define SSD1306_Display         // OLED display type    
  /* Below please choose either Touch pin-pair or Digital pin-pair for display scrolling
   *  Pin == 99 means the pin-pair is not used
  #define Pup           99        // Board Button 1 to scroll the display up
  #define Pdn           99        // Board Button 2 to scroll the display down   
  #define Tup           33        // Touch pin to scroll the display up
  #define Tdn           32        // Touch pin to scroll the display down   
  #define SDA           21        // I2C OLED board and/or Compass
  #define SCL           22        // I2C OLED board and/or Compass
  #define display_i2c_addr      0x3C       // I2C OLED board

hello any one can help?

zs6buj commented


I will see if I can test this sometime today.

zs6buj commented

Hello Droneforest05

I managed to look at this today, and there is indeed a problem with using pin 34. It appears that the read-only pins behave differently. So my proposed solution is this:

1 please change SetHomePin to use gpio 12 in config.h
2 find the bool homeButtonPushed() function in the Utilities tab, then comment out this line:
hbp = !hbp; like so

// hbp = !hbp;

it should be around line 1584.

I'll be posting a new version in the next few days, including crsf/elrs support, and of course I'll fix this problem. Thanks for reporting it.

zs6buj commented

The button in this case should short between ground and gpio 12 no?


"LED It flashed

the led should be on solid

so that it starts tracking when it was armed but I didn't get the "start to trak" or something like that

This is a good point. I will add a message like that for set home when motors armed.

zs6buj commented

because in the middle of the city
having gps look on air is quite difficult

I had to smile at this. My office where my dev box is set up also does not have GPS view of the sky. So this is how I test:

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-15 at 09 17 43_df4caa76

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-15 at 09 18 21_3a1331f1

zs6buj commented

I have had
it for a while so that it starts tracking when it was armed

So can you confirm you activated this macro?

//                              S E T   H O M E   O N   A R M
#define SET_HOME_AT_ARM_TIME      // else set home location with push button

and can you confirm which heading source you use:

//#define HEADING_SOURCE  1     // 1=Flight Computer GPS, 
#define HEADING_SOURCE  2     // 2=Flight Computer Compass
//#define HEADING_SOURCE  3     // 3=Trackerbox_Compass 
//#define HEADING_SOURCE  4     // 4=Trackerbox_GPS_And_Compass

I change it to gpio 12 and now it works well

zs6buj commented

Great. The new version is also up on git, under Beta