
esp32 dev module telemetry_in via serial

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I couldn't get telemetry from ground station to esp32 with serial connection betwe.
Could you tell me please does serial telemetry_in working with esp32 or not?
And how I can get serial connection for telemetry with esp32?
Thanks a lot

Sorry for the slow response. Serial telemetry into the tracker (ESP32 or other MMC) usually comes out of the ground-side radio transceiver, often located in the "transmitter" box. You can share the radio UART TX pin, with (say) a 5K ohm resister, to many destinations. (Never the radio RX) . You don't say which protocol you use, but Mission Planner wants Mavlink, and the tracker can also read Mavlink.

Hello, Eric.
Thanks a lot for you answer.
Yes? I use mavlink2 between anttracker and ground station.
I'm try to use next scheme:

flowchart TD
    esp32[esp32 anttracker]<-->|uart|Pi[Orange Pi with mavlink-router]<-->|wfb-ng| drone[Drone]

So, anttracker don't get mavlink2 from uart. I seee that Orange Pi send mavlink2 messages to uart tx with analyser.
How to configure esp32 uart telemetry?

Clone latest version V 2.21.06. These are the essential settings in config.h

In antTrack tab, line 660, set baud

    #elif (PROTOCOL == 2) // Mavlink 2
      in_invert = false;
      inBaud = 57600;

Build and flash.

//=====================   S E L E C T   E S P   B O A R D   V A R I A N T   ===================
//#define ESP32_Variant     1    //  ESP32 Dev Module - there are several sub-variants that work
//#define ESP32_Variant     4    //  Heltec Wifi Kit 32 
#define ESP32_Variant     5    //  LILYGO® TTGO T-Display ESP32 1.14" ST7789 Colour LCD, IDE board = "ESP32 Dev Module"
//#define ESP32_Variant     6    // LILYGO® TTGO T2 ESP32 OLED Arduino IDE board = "ESP32 Dev Module"
//#define ESP32_Variant     7    // ESP32 Dev Module with ILI9341 2.8" colour TFT SPI 240x320 NOT TESTED _ DON'T USE YET

//====================  I N P U T   M E D I U M    How does telemetPROTOCOLry enter the tracker?
// Choose one only of these input channels 
#define MEDIUM_IN  1    // UART (Serial)       
//#define MEDIUM_IN  2    // WiFi - ESP only
//#define MEDIUM_IN  3    // Bluetooth (Serial) - ESP32 only

//================================  T E L E M E T R Y   P R O T O C O L  ======================
// Select only one telemetry PROTOCOL here
//#define PROTOCOL 0     // AUTO detect protocol
//#define PROTOCOL 1     // Mavlink 1
#define PROTOCOL 2     // Mavlink 2
//#define PROTOCOL 3     // FrSky S.Port
//#define PROTOCOL 4     // FrSky F.Port 1
//#define PROTOCOL 5     // FrSky F.Port 2
//#define PROTOCOL 6     // LTM
//#define PROTOCOL 7     // MSP
//#define PROTOCOL 8     // GPS NMEA
//#define PROTOCOL 9     // CRFS

Find the in_rxPin for your esp32 board, and connect rPi UART TX pin to ESP32 UART1 in_rxPin, in this case GPIO27. Also connect ground between the two, obviously.

Find this line in config.h

int8_t in_rxPin = 27; // uart1 for general serial in

Also read the wiki.

Eric, thanks a lot.
I'll try 2.21.6 version tomorrow.
It's not work in version 2.20.6 , right?

I have posted V 2.21.07 |(under release_candidate) with fixes and some new features. Please could you check it when you get the chance.

Also check out https://github.com/zs6buj/CRSF_Utlilties where you will find three utilities for CRSF to send telemetry from uart to UDP or BT, and read UDP. The utilities work with AntTrack.

I guess I can close this issue. Reopen if you need to.