esp32 dev module telemetry_in via serial
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I couldn't get telemetry from ground station to esp32 with serial connection betwe.
Could you tell me please does serial telemetry_in working with esp32 or not?
And how I can get serial connection for telemetry with esp32?
Thanks a lot
Sorry for the slow response. Serial telemetry into the tracker (ESP32 or other MMC) usually comes out of the ground-side radio transceiver, often located in the "transmitter" box. You can share the radio UART TX pin, with (say) a 5K ohm resister, to many destinations. (Never the radio RX) . You don't say which protocol you use, but Mission Planner wants Mavlink, and the tracker can also read Mavlink.
Hello, Eric.
Thanks a lot for you answer.
Yes? I use mavlink2 between anttracker and ground station.
I'm try to use next scheme:
flowchart TD
esp32[esp32 anttracker]<-->|uart|Pi[Orange Pi with mavlink-router]<-->|wfb-ng| drone[Drone]
So, anttracker don't get mavlink2 from uart. I seee that Orange Pi send mavlink2 messages to uart tx with analyser.
How to configure esp32 uart telemetry?
Clone latest version V 2.21.06. These are the essential settings in config.h
In antTrack tab, line 660, set baud
#elif (PROTOCOL == 2) // Mavlink 2
in_invert = false;
inBaud = 57600;
Build and flash.
//===================== S E L E C T E S P B O A R D V A R I A N T ===================
//#define ESP32_Variant 1 // ESP32 Dev Module - there are several sub-variants that work
//#define ESP32_Variant 4 // Heltec Wifi Kit 32
#define ESP32_Variant 5 // LILYGO® TTGO T-Display ESP32 1.14" ST7789 Colour LCD, IDE board = "ESP32 Dev Module"
//#define ESP32_Variant 6 // LILYGO® TTGO T2 ESP32 OLED Arduino IDE board = "ESP32 Dev Module"
//#define ESP32_Variant 7 // ESP32 Dev Module with ILI9341 2.8" colour TFT SPI 240x320 NOT TESTED _ DON'T USE YET
//==================== I N P U T M E D I U M How does telemetPROTOCOLry enter the tracker?
// Choose one only of these input channels
#define MEDIUM_IN 1 // UART (Serial)
//#define MEDIUM_IN 2 // WiFi - ESP only
//#define MEDIUM_IN 3 // Bluetooth (Serial) - ESP32 only
//================================ T E L E M E T R Y P R O T O C O L ======================
// Select only one telemetry PROTOCOL here
//#define PROTOCOL 0 // AUTO detect protocol
//#define PROTOCOL 1 // Mavlink 1
#define PROTOCOL 2 // Mavlink 2
//#define PROTOCOL 3 // FrSky S.Port
//#define PROTOCOL 4 // FrSky F.Port 1
//#define PROTOCOL 5 // FrSky F.Port 2
//#define PROTOCOL 6 // LTM
//#define PROTOCOL 7 // MSP
//#define PROTOCOL 8 // GPS NMEA
//#define PROTOCOL 9 // CRFS
Find the in_rxPin for your esp32 board, and connect rPi UART TX pin to ESP32 UART1 in_rxPin, in this case GPIO27. Also connect ground between the two, obviously.
Find this line in config.h
int8_t in_rxPin = 27; // uart1 for general serial in
Also read the wiki.
Eric, thanks a lot.
I'll try 2.21.6 version tomorrow.
It's not work in version 2.20.6 , right?
I have posted V 2.21.07 |(under release_candidate) with fixes and some new features. Please could you check it when you get the chance.
Also check out where you will find three utilities for CRSF to send telemetry from uart to UDP or BT, and read UDP. The utilities work with AntTrack.
I guess I can close this issue. Reopen if you need to.