
Unique history items

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible that, when using zaw-history, only unique entries are displayed (maybe with like a count or something). For instance say I use the command abc all the time but occasionally abcd. Currently if I have used abc more than max-lines times since the last abcd command, I only see a list of abc that I can choose from; it would be a lot more useful if I would see both. It would also make it easier to navigate through the list.

Note: I'm aware of removing "duplicates" in your history but that only works if they were run consecutively (unless there are other options I"m unaware of).


There's HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS vs HIST_IGNORE_DUPS that you mention.

Yup missed that option. I guess an unfortunate side-effect is that you can no longer see the exact list of commands that were run historically since that option removes entries, but it's a trade off I can live with. Thanks for the comment; closing since it's unneeded.