Implement IFn
reiddraper opened this issue · 3 comments
Thoughts on whether tuple should implement IFn? Currently:
user=> ([0 1] 0)
user=> ((clj-tuple/tuple 0 1) 0)
ClassCastException clj_tuple.Tuple2 cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/eval1843 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
Or is this a it's not constant-time thing, so don't want to encourage random access? Looks like list doesn't support IFn or associative either.
No, it's constant-time. I made the tuples resemble lists because it was less work for me, not because it was more appropriate. I should have them act like vectors, which means that I need to implement the following:
Entry (for the 2-tuple case)
and maybe some others. I'll get to it soon.
Awesome. I just started using it in simple-check, in the tuples branch. Very useful for me because now that tuples have a distinct type from vectors, shrinking can preserve the size.