
makeConnectionId doesn't works incorrectly with multiple @connection on a fragment

DZakh opened this issue · 7 comments

DZakh commented

The makeConnectionId works with only one connection and ignores the other ones.

Here's the fragment example:

module Fragment = %relay(`
    fragment ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospect on Prospect {
      wholesaleBids(first: 100)
        @connection(key: "ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_wholesaleBids") {
        edges {
          node {
      prospectBids(first: 100)
        @connection(key: "ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospectBids") {
        edges {
          node {
            wholesaleBid {

The generated code looks like this:

// ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospect_graphql.res

let connectionKey = "ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospectBids"

  @live @module("relay-runtime") @scope("ConnectionHandler")
  external internal_makeConnectionId: (RescriptRelay.dataId, @as("ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospectBids") _, 'arguments) => RescriptRelay.dataId = "getConnectionID"

let makeConnectionId = (connectionParentDataId: RescriptRelay.dataId, ) => {
  let args = ()
  internal_makeConnectionId(connectionParentDataId, args)
zth commented

I'm surprised the compiler allows multiple connections in one fragment. It's not something that'll be supported - move those out to separate fragments if you want the helpers to work (getConnectionNodes and makeConnectionId).

What's the point of having the connection directives both but no arguments for refetching? Or is this just a condensed example?

DZakh commented

I've created a separate fragment, but the first connection name got prefixed with two underscores in the generated code inside of the makeNode function


zth commented

I've created a separate fragment, but the first connection name got prefixed with two underscores in the generated code inside of the makeNode function


Interesting! Could you paste all relevant code?

DZakh commented

My bad, that's the correct behavior 😅

DZakh commented

What's the point of having the connection directives both but no arguments for refetching? Or is this just a condensed example?

There are multiple mutations with

    edgeTypeName: "WholesaleValuationRequest"
    connections: $connections

that update different connections for different edge types on one fragment.

DZakh commented


module Fragment = %relay(`
  fragment ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_prospect on Prospect {
    wholesaleBids(first: 100)
      @connection(key: "ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_wholesaleBids") {
      edges {
        node {
   wholesaleValuationRequests(first: 100, where: { hasWholesaleBid: false })
          key: "ProspectDetailsPartnerOffers_wholesaleValuationRequests"
        ) {
        edges {
          node {


module Mutation = %relay(`
    mutation AcceptValuationRequestMutation(
      $id: ID!
      $amount: Money!
      $expiresAt: Time!
      $connections: [ID!]!
    ) {
        id: $id
        input: { amount: $amount, expiresAt: $expiresAt }
      ) {
          @appendNode(edgeTypeName: "WholesaleBid", connections: $connections) {
        id @deleteRecord
module Mutation = %relay(`
    mutation SendValuationRequestMutation(
      $prospectID: ID!
      $emailContent: String!
      $wholesalePartnerIDs: [ID!]!
      $connections: [ID!]!
    ) {
        input: {
          prospectID: $prospectID
          emailContent: $emailContent
          wholesalePartnerIDs: $wholesalePartnerIDs
          edgeTypeName: "WholesaleValuationRequest"
          connections: $connections
        ) {

Instead of passing __id I get connections like:

zth commented

Right! That looks good. And it's working as intended now breaking things out to two fragments?