Cannot log when app is in background.
rod5438 opened this issue · 1 comments
rod5438 commented
I use flutter WorkManager to trigger background task.
However, Flogs not work anymore.
Future _openDatabase() async {
// Get a platform-specific directory where persistent app data can be stored
final appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
// Path with the form: /platform-specific-directory/demo.db
final dbPath = join(appDocumentDir.path, DBConstants.DB_NAME);
// Check to see if encryption is set, then provide codec
// else init normal db with path
var database;
if (FLog.getDefaultConfigurations().encryptionEnabled &&
FLog.getDefaultConfigurations().encryptionKey.isNotEmpty) {
// Initialize the encryption codec with a user password
var codec = getXXTeaSembastCodec(
password: FLog.getDefaultConfigurations().encryptionKey);
database = await databaseFactoryIo.openDatabase(dbPath, codec: codec);
} else {
database = await databaseFactoryIo.openDatabase(dbPath); // <====== not return in the background
// Any code awaiting the Completer's future will now start executing
MohamedRisaldarTA commented
Do we have any updates on this.
I am also facing this issue.